10 Best Tips for Choosing Sunscreen for Golfers

Posted in General on Friday, 10 May 2024
10 Best Tips for Choosing Sunscreen for Golfers

As golfers, we cherish the serene moments spent on the green, under the radiant sun. However, while we relish the sunshine, it's essential to protect our skin from its harmful effects. Sunscreen is not just an accessory; it's a vital tool in safeguarding our skin against UV radiation. But with so many options available, choosing the right sunscreen can be overwhelming. Fear not! Here are the top 10 tips to help you select the perfect sunscreen for your golfing adventures.

Broad Spectrum Protection

When selecting sunscreen for your golfing escapades, prioritize those labelled "broad spectrum." This means they protect against both UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin, leading to premature aging, while UVB rays cause sunburn. Comprehensive protection ensures defence against both, shielding your skin from long-term damage.

High SPF

Opt for sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Golfers spend extended periods outdoors, increasing exposure to sunlight. A higher SPF provides added protection, reducing the risk of sunburn and skin damage. Remember, SPF indicates the level of protection against UVB rays, so don't skimp on it!

Water and Sweat Resistance

Golf is an active sport, often played under the blazing sun. Choose a sunscreen specifically formulated to withstand water and sweat. Look for labels indicating water resistance, ensuring the sunscreen stays put, even during intense rounds or hot weather conditions.

Non-Greasy Formulation

The last thing you want while playing golf is a greasy sunscreen interfering with your grip or feeling uncomfortable on your skin. Opt for non-greasy formulations that absorb quickly, providing effective protection without leaving a residue. This ensures a comfortable experience throughout your game.

Lightweight and Breathable

Golf requires concentration and precision, making comfort a top priority. Choose lightweight and breathable sunscreens that won't feel heavy or clog your pores. This allows your skin to breathe, preventing discomfort or irritation, and letting you focus on your game.

Fragrance-Free Options

While the allure of fragranced sunscreens is tempting, they may irritate, particularly when sweating on the golf course. Opt for fragrance-free options to minimize the risk of skin sensitivity or allergic reactions. Your skin will thank you for the gentle protection, allowing you to enjoy your game without any distractions.

Consider Your Skin Type

If you have sensitive skin, choose sunscreens labelled hypoallergenic or formulated for sensitive skin. For oily skin, opt for oil-free or mattifying sunscreens to prevent excess shine. Dry skin benefits from moisturizing formulations to keep it hydrated throughout your game.

Check the Expiry Date

Sunscreen effectiveness diminishes over time, especially if it's expired. Always check the expiry date before purchasing or using sunscreen. Using expired sunscreen may not provide adequate protection, leaving your skin vulnerable to sun damage. Stay safe by investing in fresh bottles regularly.

Ease of Application

Golfing requires efficiency, so choose sunscreens with convenient application methods. Spray-on sunscreens are quick and easy to apply, ideal for reapplying during your game without disrupting your rhythm. Alternatively, consider sunscreen sticks or lotions for precise application and coverage.

Dermatologist Recommended

When in doubt, seek recommendations from dermatologists or skincare experts. They can suggest sunscreens tailored to your skin type and lifestyle, ensuring maximum protection without compromising on comfort or effectiveness. Consulting a professional ensures you make informed decisions, prioritizing your skin's health.


As golfers, protecting our skin should be as essential as perfecting our swing. With the right sunscreen, you can enjoy your time on the green without worrying about sun damage. From broad-spectrum protection to lightweight formulations, these tips will help you choose the perfect sunscreen for your golfing adventures. So, next time you head out to play, arm yourself with the best sunscreen and tee off with confidence, knowing your skin is well-protected against the sun's harmful rays.